MI-DNA Disc enters DigNA in the scope of the EIC Pathfinder Challenge portfolio

MI-DNA Disc officially participates in the EIC challenge dedicated to DNA-storage together with a portfolio of projects funded by the European Commission and which, in turn, share the research object and some of the objectives of MI-DNA Disc. This cluster of projects is called DigNA.

The participation of MI-DNA Disc, as well as that of the other projects, was made official during a kick-off meeting with the EIC program manager on December 15, 2023, during which the objectives of the challenge were defined and in which the organization of the project cluster was outlined.

The EIC Pathfinder Challenge seeks scalable and reliable approaches for using DNA as a data-storage medium. In order to structure and intensify the joint efforts of the projects involved, four working groups have been identified within DigNA, each responsible for achieving specific results. The four working groups include: Technical synergies, Outreach and Public Engagement, Metrics as a foundation for Standards and Roadmapping, and Protection and Exploitation

The projects involved in DigNA – the list of which can be consulted here – have therefore committed to working together in order to achieve shared results which, in their respective fields, can lead to real advancement in the DNA-storage sector. In this sense, the various working groups have begun a series of activities whose results will be discussed during a meeting that will take place in Munich, Germany, next June 2024.

The MI-DNA Disc project is involved, like the other members of the portfolio, in all the working groups and, specifically, is chair of Work Group 2 dedicated to Outreach and Public Engagement.