DigNA webinar #2

Announcing the 2nd DigNA webinar

DNA is emerging as a promising medium for the long-term storage of data. However, like all storage technologies, it is prone to errors during data writing, storage, and retrieval, making the use of error correction codes necessary to ensure data can be retrieved with perfect accuracy.

The second DigNA Webinar, featuring Eitan Yaakobi and Thomas Heinis, highlights the critical role of error correction and coding techniques in enabling reliable DNA data storage. It will explore the key challenges to maintaining data integrity in DNA storage systems. Special focus will be given to how advanced coding schemes and error correction algorithms address these issues to guarantee data accuracy. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, 27 February 2025, from 2 to 3 pm CET.

Designed as an introduction at the intersection of biology, computer science, and information theory, the webinar will provide participants with insights into the current state of error correction in DNA storage. This session is tailored for scientists and professionals, even those with limited expertise in biology, chemistry, or computer science, who are eager to explore the cutting-edge science and technology driving DNA-based data storage systems.

MI-DNA Disc officially participates in the DigNA portfolio organized by the EIC together with other 9 similar projects. MI-DNA Disc is involved in all the working groups of the portfolio and, specifically, it is chairing Work Group 2 dedicated to Outreach and Public Engagement.

🗓️Join us on Thursday, 27 February 2025, 14:00 – 15:00 CET
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