MI-DNA Disc (MIcrobe-synthesised DNA NAnostructures for DIsplay-controlled Storage Cartridges) aims to bring a low-cost, energy-efficient, and fast data driven solution that can write, edit, store, and retrieve DNA-based data, more efficiently compared to current technologies.

MI-DNA Disc features the first in vivo system combining simple and easily available hardware components with ability of bacterial cells to store and edit DNA-based data.

The project was funded by EIC Pathfinder

Challenges, under the Horizon Europe framework.

Why MI-DNA Disc?

From today,

in the next 20 years

the demand

for data storage

will exceed the

supply of silicon.

This will affect storage ability of medical data for hospitals, digital legacy and cultural heritage digital data for museum and national governments. MI-DNA Disc is developing new DNA-based data storage in vivo low-cost and efficient thanks to the bacteria.

MI-DNA Disc intends to complete the technological development and to validate with industrial partners the impact on massive use cases increasing the TRL of the proposed solution, supported by a sound and implementable commercialization strategy.


MI-DNA Disc novel approach could change the way we store data and bring relevant benefits to the following sectors:

Pharma icon
Pharma and medical data

Digital Docs icon
Digital legacy documents

Cultural icon
Cultural heritage digital documents

Corporate icon
Corporate data centres


A multidisciplinary group of research centers and private companies: the MI-DNA Disc Consortium’s expertise covers the full research and market development value chain of the project. The Consortium comprehends 3 top-notch European research centers devoted to the scientific and technical development of the project: The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AUSTRIA) which will act as coordinator, the Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Germany), and Faculty of Science at University of Zagreb (CROATIA).

EKO Refugium (CROATIA), a private research organization focused on computer science and molecular biology, will develop the encoding/decoding algorithm to convert binary data into DNA code. Finally, Day One SRL (ITALY) will focus on the project dissemination and business-related activities.

AIT Logo
TUM Logo
PMF Logo
Refugium Logo
Day One Logo
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